Why are so many EA stations down in Seattle?

I’ve noticed a lot of Electrify America stations around Seattle are out of service. Does anyone know if this is for upgrades or if they’re just broken?

There’s a page where you can check the network status:


Looks like one Seattle station is down for upgrades, but three are offline due to vandalism.

It’s not a full list, though. In Eau Claire, WI, station #2 has been unreliable for the past year and often out of service.

Michael said:
It’s not a full list, though. In Eau Claire, WI, station #2 has been unreliable for the past year and often out of service.

The list covers entire site outages, not individual chargers, so smaller issues may not be reflected.

Thanks for the link! Didn’t know this page existed.

Copper theft is a big issue.

Robert said:
Copper theft is a big issue.

I like the way you put that: Copper (verb) thieves (plural noun).