How many Juicebox EV Chargers were in use at the start of this month (October)?

Does anyone know how many Juicebox EV chargers were still in use at the beginning of October?

I’m asking because Enel ended their sales and support in the USA and Canada a few weeks ago, and now the Android app has been slowly losing functionality. It finally stopped working for Smart Charging about 45 days ago.

If you have a Juicebox EV Charger, are you still using it?

Is it a Juicebox Pro 40?

If you have a different model, which one? Are you also having issues with Smart Charging through the app?


I have a JuiceBox Pro 40. After Enel took over, the app started getting buggy, so I stopped using it. My EV sends me a text when it’s done charging, so I don’t really miss the app’s functionality.

Depending on how the industry-wide switch to CCS goes, I might replace my JuiceBox in a couple of years, but for now, it works fine as a simple charger.

Do you miss having Smart Charge (scheduling based on time of day), or does your EV handle that for you?


Imani said:
Do you miss having Smart Charge (scheduling based on time of day), or does your EV handle that for you?


My EV handles that, but my utility doesn’t have peak/off-peak pricing, so it doesn’t matter when I charge. It’s the same rate all day.

I also have a Juicebox Pro 40. I’m waiting for my OpenEVSE order to come in so I can stop using this dumb brick.