Leasing an EV6... does anyone know what the ETCH and LR3 BUNDLE are?

I’m in the middle of negotiating a lease for an EV6, and in the second draft of the paperwork, two charges popped up: ETCH and LR3 BUNDLE. No idea what these are, but I also noticed the car’s value and the Gross Cap Cost went up.

Does anyone have any clue what these charges are for?

Those are most likely dealer-added charges. Only the dealership can tell you for sure what they’re for.

ETCH is a so-called theft deterrent where they engrave the VIN in extra spots around the car. Here’s a link explaining it: ETCHWise Theft Deterrent System | Wise F&I

In my case, the lease included some indemnity insurance with the etching, but without that, it feels like a scam. With the insurance, it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth it.

I just declined the etching and a similar dealer add-on. No problem.

If you’re in the US, these are just extra fees dealers add. You can absolutely ask them to remove them.